Managing the Stress of CHANGE

Dealing with change when we’d rather not!

By understanding that while we may not have much control over outside circumstances, we CAN control our reactions to them, we can welcome change as an inevitable part of life.

In today’s business world, change is a way of life. Gone are the days when a person would work for a company for 30 years, and then retire. And, change within an organization is often rapid and unexpected, so managing organizational change becomes a vital part of any employee’s work life.

There are two ways in which we experience change.

  • Changes we initiate for ourselves
  • Changes that are put upon us by others (family, job, the government, etc.)

Change is never easy, but when we initiate it ourselves, there is an element of choice and control. Not so when change is thrust upon us by outside factors.

Some of the road blocks to dealing with change are:

  • Comfort in the familiar
  • Fear of the unknown

Kay’s Keys to Dealing with change:

  • Keep our fears rational
  • Live in the present
  • Look at change as an adventure!
  • Find opportunities in change
  • If we can’t control it, let it go!
  • Review our choices; they are always there!
    Live an examined life –don’t be a leaf in the wind

A Virtual Change Management Speaker that tailors her presentations to your group.

From leaders to customer service agents to front-line employees, Kay is a speaker who will craft a motivational message that speaks directly to them. After hearing this Funny Keynote Speaker, they will leave your meeting energized, fired up and ready to take on their challenges with renewed vigor

Make your Event truly memorable. Kay’s funny Keynote presentations are not just speeches; they are an experience.

For a speaker who is funny, relevant and guaranteed to make your online event truly memorable, contact Funny Keynote Speaker Kay Frances today!

Contact Kay Today

One of the comments I heard over and over was how you tailored your presentation to our organization and personalized it for us in such a humorous and realistic way!…I believe it would be safe for me to speak for the 400 people who showed their appreciation with the STANDING ovation they gave you.”

Debbie Frantz, ACTE, Special Needs Division


A great keynote speaker like Kay Frances will inform, inspire and engage your audience. She will:

  • Set the tone for your event.
  • Inspire the audience to take action.
  • Educate them with vital information to better their lives.
  • Research your organization & industry to tailor a message just for your group.
  • Make you a hero for finding the perfect keynote speaker!

What separates Kay from many other speakers is that she has the ability to reach across all socio-economic groups and truly connect. Kay’s keynotes have a universal appeal that resonates with both men and women, younger and older, managers and employees. And did we mention “funny?” We mean laugh-out-loud, thigh-slapping funny!