Funny Virtual Motivational Keynote Speaker Kay Frances

Presentation Title: “LAUGH! Just for the HEALTH of it!”

Presentation Description:

Sure, we all know what we need to do to live happy, healthy and productive lives.

Or do we?

Then why are we so stressed??

Smart organizations know that a healthy workforce is the key to reducing absenteeism and lowering healthcare costs. It is also the key to people operating at their best. Kay Frances believes that the best healthcare “plan” involves actually making a PLAN to do all that we can to take care of ourselves; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

With a degree in Health and Education, Kay has the expertise that people need to put wellness at the top of their “to-do” list.

And don’t forget that Kay is never far from her roots as a professional standup comedian. People will laugh while they learn without straining their brains! Make your event truly memorable with this phenomenal Funny and Motivational Keynote Speaker.

Kay’s Presentations:

  • Help to boost morale and encourage a spirit of optimism.
  • Are tailored to the specific audience she is speaking to.
  • Address the particular challenges the audience is facing.
  • Are for all levels of an organization.
  • Have equal appeal to both men and women.
  • Are for any organization who is seeking good, solid content delivered in a hilarious way.

In her Funny Motivational Presentations, Kay doesn’t preach from an ivory tower, but rather shares her experience as she has done everything you are NOT supposed to do! It was a long, winding, hilarious journey back to wellness and she happily shares what she learned along the way.

“Laughter is the best medicine but sometimes you need a double shot of Demerol.”

Kay Frances, MBA

With this energetic, upbeat Funny Motivational Keynote presentation, attendees laugh while they learn without straining their brains. This presentation is clean, funny and relatable to a wide spectrum of people.

Not only will attendees get solid information on wellness and stress management, but they’ll leave your virtual event motivated, energized and ready to take on their challenges with renewed vigor.

Contact Kay Today
to see how she can help make your event a success!


A great keynote speaker like Kay Frances will inform, inspire and engage your audience. She will:

  • Set the tone for your event.
  • Inspire the audience to take action.
  • Educate them with vital information to better their lives.
  • Research your organization & industry to tailor a message just for your group.
  • Make you a hero for finding the perfect keynote speaker!

What separates Kay from many other speakers is that she has the ability to reach across all socio-economic groups and truly connect. Kay’s keynotes have a universal appeal that resonates with both men and women, younger and older, managers and employees. And did we mention “funny?” We mean laugh-out-loud, thigh-slapping funny!