Funny Motivational Keynote Speaker

Fun Kay Factoids:

I have a 4th degree black belt in karate. And, I didn’t even start until I was 42!

One of my latest hobbies/sicknesses is adult coloring!

I. Love. Asparagus!

…and corn!

I’m on a quest to visit all of the U.S. National Parks. I may not live long enough, but I won’t let that little detail stop me!

I’m an unapologetic “Crazy Cat Lady.” I have a strict policy of having only one cat indoors, but I have a bevy of outdoor felines. I’m an active participant in our local Humane Society’s “spay/neuter/release” program.

...and kayak!

I won 2nd place in the Oklahoma State Fair “Moo-Off.” Not that I’m bitter, but I was better than the winner. Ask any cow.


A great keynote speaker like Kay Frances will inform, inspire and engage your audience. She will:

  • Set the tone for your event.
  • Inspire the audience to take action.
  • Educate them with vital information to better their lives.
  • Research your organization & industry to tailor a message just for your group.
  • Make you a hero for finding the perfect keynote speaker!

What separates Kay from many other speakers is that she has the ability to reach across all socio-economic groups and truly connect. Kay’s keynotes have a universal appeal that resonates with both men and women, younger and older, managers and employees. And did we mention “funny?” We mean laugh-out-loud, thigh-slapping funny!